sunnuntai 24. helmikuuta 2013

5.-24.2. eli February

I thought I'd write a few lines in english, just so that all my friends who may see this post will be able to understand some stories behind the pictures. Normally I don't write a lot, and definately not in english but this may be also good practise so here we go. This is a summary of my February and returning from Costa Rica :)

We had a lot snow

A post on my school's wall saying: "We only need one different day to remember that every day is different from each other"

Just wonderin where to go next..

Made some costarican inspired breakfast; rice and beans with a fried egg :)

Had a blast in a student party in Turku

We.. did not sing karaoke

Crazy fun afterparty in our hotel room! With bananaguys for example..

And Satus suitcase...

A view from my window


A view close to my parents' house

A big winter bun (or Shrove bun as we call it) with hot chocolate yumm :)

Snowboarding at Serena

And afterski-beers of course :)

My best portuguese friend came over for a week!

..And apparently became a Jokeri- fan ..

Just something to think about:

Ricardo dipping!!

I (of course me,,?) made an awesome blueberrypie

..went skiing with a friend and an awesome sunshine

enjoying the sunlight after a LONG time..

Went snowboardin once more :)

..At Serena

Feb was awesome, and yet there's one more week to go so hopin for more fun to come, as always! See you guys:)